Jennifer connelly phenomena mojo
Jennifer connelly phenomena mojo

jennifer connelly phenomena mojo


But it’s still a romp full of warmth and humor with Ethan Hawke providing a great, early performance as one of a group of kids who attempt to make their own space ship.

jennifer connelly phenomena mojo

Joe Dante reportedly ran out of money while filming this lighthearted, family sci-fi movie, which explains why it doesn’t have the strongest ending in the director’s body of work. The story, about a young boy who longs to be a night, is a bit of a mixed bag, but some of the animation is beautiful and ably backed by Elmer Bernstein’s soaring score. The Mean Season is by no means the best thriller of the ’80s, but it’s well paced, tense, and has a superb supporting cast–Mariel Hemingway, Andy Garcia, and Joe Pantoliano also star.īut it’s also an interesting experiment–an attempt to bring something more adult and Tolkien-esque to the screen.


Already burned out and miserable from years of reporting on the grisly goings on in Miami, Russell’s life is made even more complicated when a serial killer rings up and details his forthcoming exploits. Kurt Russell, perhaps best known for playing tough guys like MacReady in The Thingor Snake Plissken, is unusually cast as a crime journalist in this sultry thriller. As an early look at what Raimi and the Coens got up to in the early stages of their careers (the Coens had released the cult thriller Blood Simple just one year before), Crime Waveis well worth a watch. The humor doesn’t always hit the mark, but it’s a great-looking film, all long shadows, intense colors and emphatic zooms. The production was immensely troubled, which might account for the unpredictable and chaotic nature of the finished film: an amalgam of horror comedy shot in the style of a ’40s and ’50s film noir. Sam Raimi followed up his low-budget hit The Evil Deadwith this very strange confection, which he wrote with the Coen Brothers. Shane Black is reportedly working on a new adaptation of the Destroyeradventures, so maybe now’s a good time to give Remo a chance if you haven’t seen it already. It isn’t the best action film of the ’80s, to be sure, but Remois still an enjoyable yarn thanks in no small part to Ward’s charismatic turn in the lead.

jennifer connelly phenomena mojo

Trained in martial arts by Chiun (unaccountably played by Joel Grey in frankly embarrassing prosthetic make-up), Remo’s sent off to infiltrate a gang of evil arms dealers. Remo’s a former soldier drafted into a secret organisation as an assassin. The villains are far less outlandish than the ones in the books, but its title hero (played by Fred Ward) still has the ability to dodge bullets and sprint on water. Remo Williams: The Adventure Beginswas an early attempt to adapt the Destroyerseries of pulp novels.

Jennifer connelly phenomena mojo